Container Graphics Corporation is an equal opportunity employer. Applicants receive consideration for employment without discrimination because of race, religious creed, color, ancestry, age, sex, handicap, national origin, marital or veteran status. If selected for employment, a prospective employee must provide satisfactory references for the company and complete our medical exam including a drug screen.
Please enter your Information:
Job Applying For: Cutting Die Maker
Location: Charlotte, NC
Full Name
Present Address
Previous Address
Phone Number
Email Address
Are you of Legal Age to Work?
Employment Data:
Type of Work Desired
Rate of Pay Required
Date Available
What prompted your application
Applying For
Full Time
Part Time
Were you previously employed by us?
Occasional overtime work may be required, including weekends.
Can you work overtime during the week?
Can you work overtime during the weekends?
State any additional skills, experiences or qualifications which will be of special benefit in the job for which you are applying.
(Applicant should not list any information that Federal and State law precludes obtaining in the pre-employment stage)
US Military Record
Most Recent Employment History:
Other Past Employment History:
Other Past Employment History:
Other Past Employment History:
Personal References:
Security Data:
Upload Resume
Applicant's Statement:
I certify that the information contained in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge, and understand that falsification of this
application in any detail is grounds for disqualification from further consideration of for dismissal from employment in accordance with
company policy. I authorize the companies, schools, or persons named to give any information regarding my employment together with
any information they may have regarding me, whether or not it is in their records. I hereby release said companies, schools, or persons from
all liability for any damage for issuing this information. I agree to conform to the rules and regulations of the company, and understand
that my employment and compensation can be terminated, with or without cause, and with or without notice, at any time, at the option of
either the company or myself, and I have not received and oral representations otherwise. I agree, if the need arises, to have my person or
personal property searched by a properly designated Company employe while on Company property. I understand that no interviewer or
other representative of the company, other than the President, in writing only, has any authority to enter into any agreement for employment
for any specified time.
I have read and agree to the above Applicant's Statement