Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Container Graphics Corp. (CGC) is one of the largest producers of cutting and printing tools to the corrugated packaging industry in the United States. The corrugated packaging industry is a significant segment of the Forest Products industry, identified as essential critical infrastructure in the Food and Agriculture section of the CISA’s MEMORANDUM ON IDENTIFICATION OF ESSENTIAL CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE WORKERS DURING COVID-19 RESPONSE, dated March 19, 2020 and revised March 28, 2020 (

Corrugated packaging is critical to the supply of goods throughout the nation. The cutting and printing tools that we manufacture are critical to the production of this corrugated packaging. CGC’s tools are used to produce a wide range of corrugated packaging utilized for the protection and distribution of food, beverages, industrial components, building materials, household supplies, institutional supplies, medical supplies and medicines. These tools are unique to each package design and are ordered by our customers on a daily basis. The uninterrupted supply of corrugated packaging and the preservation of that industry’s supply chain are essential to the nation’s health and prosperity.

Additionally, CGC supplies products for the production of personal protection equipment. As such, our work also falls under the Critical Manufacturing section of the CISA’s Memorandum.

All this being said, Container Graphics is “Open for Business” and will continue to fulfill its role in the supply of tools and services to the industries it serves.

If you have any questions about the essential products and services that CGC provides, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Neil B. Saunders
President and CEO, Container Graphics Corp.